Tagged Beautiful Fairy Cake Topper

May Specials 2019

3-Tier-Fresh-Flower-Delight-Cake3 Tier Fresh Flower Delight Cake

Usually $380.00 for size 6+8+10 to serve 65 guests. Slashed Down to $370.00 .

Or larger size 6+9+12 inch to serve 90 guests, usually $430.00 Slashed Down to $420.00.

These are nice deep cakes and you can have a lovely filling inside each cake. Fresh flowers in a colour of your choice.


Beautiful-Fairy-Cake-TopperBeautiful Fairy Cake Topper

Fairy Usually $40.00 Slashed Down to $35.00 if placing your order in May.

Fondant cake topper Fairy to sit on your own cake. She can be made in colours and hair style to suit what you would like.

She keeps well for a long time if stored in a dry area, not in a fridge.

There is a tooth pick inside her body for strength. A special topper for your special wee girl.


Mermaid Cake Topper

Fondant mermaid cake topper Usually $40.00 Slashed Down to $35.00 for the Month of May.

She can be made in colours and hair style to suit what you would like.

She keeps well if stored in a dry area, not in a fridge. There is a toothpick inserted inside her for strength.



Cute Animal Cake Topper

Topper is Usually $25.00 Slashed Down to $20.00 for the month of May.

The cake topper is made of fondant and there is a tooth pick inside it’s body for strength. Colours and age can be changed to what you would like.

This keeps well for a long time if stored in a dry area, not in a fridge.



Specials are for May 2019. Your wedding or special occasion can be later in the year but to get the discount it needs to be ordered in May 2019.

February Specials

3-Tier-Fresh-Flower-Delight-Cake3 Tier Fresh Flower Delight Cake

Usually $380.00 for size 6+8+10 to serve 65 guests. Slashed Down to $370.00 .

Or larger size 6+9+12 inch to serve 90 guests, usually $430.00 Slashed Down to $420.00.

These are nice deep cakes and you can have a lovely filling inside each cake.
Fresh  flowers in a colour of your choice.

Specials are for February. Your wedding or special occasion can be later in the year but to get the discount it needs to be ordered in February


Beautiful-Fairy-Cake-TopperBeautiful Fairy Cake Topper

Fairy Usually $40.00 Slashed Down to $35.00 if placing your order in February.

Fondant cake topper Fairy to sit on your own cake. She can be made in colours and hair style to suit what you would like.

She keeps well for a long time if stored in a dry area, not in a fridge.

There is a tooth pick inside her body for strength. A special topper for your special wee girl.


Irish-Man-Cake-Topper Irish Man Cake Topper

Irish cake topper to sit on your own cake. Great for all those Irish celebrations coming up.

This topper is made from fondant and has a tooth pick inserted inside him for strength.

The hair colour can be changed to what you would like. Keeps well for a long time if stored in a dry area, not a fridge.

Irish Man was $40.00 Slashed Down to $35.00 if placing your order in February.


puppy-Cake Icing Dog Cake Topper

Dog cake topper to sit on your own cake. Made of fondant icing and has a tooth pick inserted in it’s body for strength. The style and colour can be changed to look a little like your own dog.

Keeps well for a long time if stored in a dry area, not in a fridge.

Dog topper usually $25.00  Slashed Down to $20.00 if you place your order in February


These prices are for orders placed in the month of February 2019. Your cake order can be created for later in the year, for when you need it. You must place the order in February 2019 to get the discount special.